Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Zepheria (Anonymous): 1594


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aristocratic manor 16th century
An aristocratic 16th Century Palace

There is no question that many, perhaps most of the people that had the luxury to spend their time writing sonnets, knew the myths of Classical Greece and Rome, read Latin, and studied classical Rhetoric during their studies at major universities, and were members of the royal court. They may have lived in palaces like the above, not overly concerned with warm clothes, obtaining food, avoiding the crime found in cities like London. Such royal personages could spend their long, leisurely hours writing sonnets, and perhaps it really didn't require so much genius?
  1. Zepheria Sonnet II
  2. Zepheria Sonnet III
  3. Zepheria Sonnet IIII
  4. Zepheria Sonnet V
  5. Zepheria Sonnet XXXVIII


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